It's been awhile since I've written...
My poor blog may feel a bit forgotten, lonely.
A quick update...
Radiation is over. I'm healing up from all that cancer treatments do to your body, your mind, your assumptions and perceptions. The treatments are life-saving, but brutal nonetheless.
The big announcement: I'm cancer-free! Biopsies of the pieces of me they removed during surgery showed no cancer left behind (go chemo!). And, the latest CT also showed no cancer present.
Cancer free (but we’re not done here yet!)
So, I've been trying to get back to life. Assuming more of my responsibilities at work. Teaching a full slate of dog classes and lectures. Up to 40 min on the rowing machine.
But, I still have reminders that cancer has been a very big part of my life this past year. My stamina isn't as good. If I push too hard, my body makes me pay for it. I have chemo brain (and menopause brain--yay both at the same time!). My hair is growing in but slowly (think gray--haired kewpie doll).
But, I am getting there bit by bit.
I'll write more soon....