Dog/Puppy Essentials: Basic Training and Social Skills
Our “essentials” course contains all of the ingredients you and your dog will need to start a happy, healthy future together. Whether you’ve just brought home a wiggly new puppy, or adopted a rescue dog, or even have a dog you’ve had for years but you’re yearning for some help with the basics, this is the class for you. The course covers basic obedience so that you can walk your dog without going for a drag, get your dog to sit politely on greetings, and not jump all over your friends—but it offers much more! We also teach you about how dogs communicate and learn (so you can apply our very easy dog training approach to your particular dog), and use the class to gently and productively expose your dog or pup to a range of new experiences. The course also covers what we call “life skills” to help your dog be a fantastic companion and a mentally balanced healthy dog: learning how to settle (have an off button), having self- or impulse-control, and accepting human touch and interaction. The class also provides an excellent foundation for therapy and service dog work.
Class benefits include:
Learning how to gently socialize your dog using an understanding of dog behavior and positive exposure to prepare them for different environments and experiences.
Getting your dog comfortable with body handling and various interactions through gentle, gradual experiences
Teaching your dog to settle down and have self control
Learning basic relationship-based obedience training and manners and understanding how to be a fair and effective leader for your dog.
Excellent preparatory class for future dog obedience courses (as well as therapy dog work).
Learning behaviors that you can build on in later training.
Learning handling skills: timing, consistency, reading your dog, understanding the training techniques and how to apply them, knowing how to work with your unique pup’s skills and temperament
Click here to review course policies before registration.